Cerren Ered was originally founded in 1981 as the homeland and Coven-stead of The Children of the Dawn, a Wiccan Mystical group initiated in the late 60's. Soon after coming to the valley it became apparent that we had been led to a far more amazing place than we could possibly
have anticipated.. and we were not the first to arrive. Shrouded in its deep woods lay a Portal, a Well of Seeing, a Well of Vision, a Gateway to worlds unimaginable! The Portal attracted to itself
denizens from both sides of the Veil.. and we soon discovered ourselves to be the Gatekeepers..
Throughout the early years we functioned as the Initiates who guarded and tended the Shrine. We soothed the Dragons with our songs and chants and sought to keep them pacified. We opened
the gates and beckoned to others of like mind and heart to join us in celebration and Magick. Our whole focus was the Magick of the sacred space, and its mystery nurtured the seeds that were planted.. Over the years things have evolved and changed as things do.. The deep woods thinned, the population grew, buildings and lights crowded out the deep darkness and solitude..
Drumming and dancing became the new Voice of the People of the Valley. Things have changed
ever so much since those early days.. But under it all, in the bones of the earth, the Magick still remains.
My message to the future ones is to sit peacefully in the Glade, eyes closed.. hear the sounds of the brook.. the speech of the birds.. listen to the Voic
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